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时间 : 2024-09-13    作者 : 资源学院

姓名:罗功文职称:副教授 博士生导师

电话:18205182894E-mail: gongwenluo@hunau.edu.cn


罗功文,男,1991.05生,湖南常德人,九三学社社员,副教授,博士生导师。20206月毕业于南京农业大学,农学博士,师从沈其荣院士。20207月以神农学者青年英才I层次人才全职引进湖南农业大学,现为农业资源与环境学系专任教师、系主任、专业带头人。中国土壤学会青年工作委员会委员,中国植物营养与肥料学会肥料发展委员会委员,iMeta青年编委,Agronomy等国内外杂志客座编辑,国家自然科学基金函评专家。主要研究方向为:土壤微生物资源开发与应用,土壤障碍消减与作物产能提升,新型多功能生物产品研发以第一或通讯作者在New PhytolSoil Biol Biochem(3)Agr Ecos Environ(5)J Hazard Mater等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,被引2500余次,H指数25,参编中文著作《中国有机(类)肥料》1 部,授权国家发明专利2件、软件著作4套。作为研究骨干参与了国家973计划项目“作物高产高效的土壤微生物区系特征及调控”(2015CB150500)子课题,国家重点研发专项“肥料磷素转化与高效利用机理”(2017YFD0200200)子课题中相关研究。现主持国家自然科学基金、“十四五”科技部国家重点研发项目子课题、湖南省自然科学基金、湖南农业大学高层次人才项目等。参加国内外学术会议30余次,获“第十七届中国青年土壤科学工作者暨第十二届中国青年植物营养与肥料科技工作者学术会议学术报告一等奖”、南京农业大学和中国植物营养与肥料学会“优秀博士学位论文”等荣誉。




合作导师:李德军 研究员


2017/09-2020/06:南京农业大学,植物营养学,博士,导师:沈其荣 院士,指导老师:凌宁 教授

2015/09-2017/09:南京农业大学,植物营养学,硕士,导师:郭世伟 教授,指导老师:凌宁 教授

2011/09-2015/06:湖南农业大学,农业资源与环境专业,学士,班主任:尹力初 教授



2iMeta 杂志青年编委,waterAgronomy等杂志客座编辑













  1. Pan Jiang, Yizhe Wang,Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Intercropping enhances maize growth and nutrient uptake by driving the link between rhizosphere metabolites and microbiomes. New Phytologist 2024, 243(4):1506-1521.
  2. Qirui Zhu, Ziyu Yang, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Intercropping regulates plant-and microbe-derived carbon accumulation by influencing soil physicochemical and microbial physiological properties. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment2024, 364:108880.
  3. Pan Jiang, Yizhe Wang, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Enhanced productivity of maize through intercropping is associated with community composition, core species, and network complexity of abundant microbiota in rhizosphere soil. Geoderma 2024, 442:116786.
  4. Ziyu Yang, Qirui Zhu, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Soil carbon storage and accessibility drive microbial carbon use efficiency by regulating microbial diversity and key taxa in intercropping ecosystems. Biology and Fertility of Soils 2024, 60(3):437-53.
  5. Wang Hu, Yuping Zhang, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Biochar and organic fertilizer applications enhance soil functional microbial abundance and agroecosystem multifunctionality. Biochar 2024, 6(1):3.
  6. Ning Su, Xianmin Rong, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Effectiveness of a 10-year continuous reduction of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer on production, nitrogen loss and utilization of double-cropping rice. Science of The Total Environment 2024, 912: 168857.
  7. Yizhe Wang, Yuping Zhang, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Intercropping improves maize yield and nitrogen uptake by regulating nitrogen transformation and functional microbial abundance in rhizosphere soil. Journal of Environmental Management 2024, 358:120886.
  8. Pan Jiang, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*,Lijun Ou*. Biodiversity and network complexity of rhizosphere soil microbiomes regulate the differentiation of Capsicum growth strategies. Plant and Soil 2024, 23:1-9.
  9. Xin Liu, Xiangmin Rong,Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*.Biodiversity and core microbiota of key-stone ecological clusters regulate compost maturity during cow-dung-driven composting. Environmental Research 2024, 245:118034.
  10. Xin Liu, Xiangmin Rong, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Community succession of microbial populations related to C–N–P–S biological transformations regulates product maturity during cow-manure-driven composting. Bioresource Technology 2023, 369,128493.
  11. Su N, Xie G, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. The effectiveness of eight-years phosphorus reducing inputs on double cropping paddy: Insights into productivity and soil-plant phosphorus tradeoff. Science of The Total Environment 2023, 866, 161429.
  12. Yang Z, Zhang Y, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*.Regulation of soil C–N–P stoichiometry by intercropping mitigates microbial resource limitations and contributes to maize productivity. Plant and Soil 2023.
  13. Wang Y, Zhang H, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Crop rotation-driven changes in rhizosphere metabolite profiles regulate soil microbial diversity and functional capacity. Agr Ecosyst Environ 2023, 358:108716.
  14. Hu W, Zhang Y, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*.Coupling amendment of biochar and organic fertilizers increases maize yield and phosphorus uptake by regulating soil phosphatase activity and phosphorus-acquiring microbiota. Agr Ecosyst Environ2023, 355:108582.
  15. Gongwen Luo(罗功文), Zhang H, Jin T, Fei J. Crop types and irrigation regimes as drivers of plastisphere bacterial communities in plastic-mulching croplands of subtropical China. Appl Soil Ecol 2023, 182: 204696.
  16. Gongwen Luo(罗功文),Luo G, Jin T, Zhang H, Fei J. Deciphering the diversity and functions of plastisphere bacterial communities in plastic-mulching croplands of subtropical China. J Hazard Mater 2022, 422:126865.
  17. Yang Z, Zhang Y, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Intercropping regulation of soil phosphorus composition and microbially-driven dynamics facilitates maize phosphorus uptake and productivity improvement. Field Crops Res 2022, 287:108666.
  18. Wang Y, Zhang Y, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Intercropping-driven nitrogen trade-off enhances maize productivity in a long-term experiment. Field Crops Res 2022, 287:108671.
  19. Zhang H, Gongwen Luo(罗功文,共一), Wang Y, Zhang Y. Crop rotation-driven change in physicochemical properties regulates microbial diversity, dominant components, and community complexity in paddy soils. Agr Ecosyst Environ 2023, 343:108278.
  20. Zhang Y, Zhao H, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Understanding how reed-biochar application mitigates nitrogen losses in paddy soil: Insight into microbially-driven nitrogen dynamics. Chemosphere 2022, 295:133904.
  21. Wang Y, Zhang Y, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. The effectiveness of reed-biochar in mitigating phosphorus losses and enhancing microbially-driven phosphorus dynamics in paddy soil. J Environ Manage 2022, 314:115087.
  22. Luo Z, Song H, Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Dense planting with reducing nitrogen rate increased nitrogen use efficiency and translocated nitrogen in grains in double-cropped rice. Agronomy 2022, 12:1090.
  23. 罗功文,张玉平,张振华. 乡村背振兴背景下地方农业院校新“土郎中”培育的模式改革与实践——以湖南农业大学为例. 高等农业教育2022, 5:82-87.
  24. Xie, G., Kong, X., Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*. Community-level dormancy potential regulates bacterial beta-diversity succession during the co-composting of manure and crop residues. Science of The Total Environment2021, 772, 145506.
  25. Xie, G., Kong, X., Gongwen Luo(罗功文)*.Fungal community succession contributes to product maturity during the co-composting of chicken manure and crop residues.Bioresource Technology 2021, 328.
  26. Gongwen Luo(罗功文), Ling N., Shen Q.R., Ling N. Soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling microbial populations and their resistance to global change depend on soil C:N:P stoichiometry.mSystems 2020, e00162-20.
  27. Gongwen Luo(罗功文), Ling N., Shen Q.R. Understanding how long-term organic amendments increase soil phosphatase activities: insight into phoD- and phoC-harbouring microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2019, 107632.
  28. Gongwen Luo(罗功文), Ning L., Shen QR. Nitrogen-inputs regulate microbial functional and genetic resistance and resilience to drying–rewetting cycles, with implications for crop yields. Plant and Soil2019, 441(1-2), 301-315.
  29. Gongwen Luo(罗功文), Ling N., Shen Q.R. Historical-nitrogen deposition and straw addition facilitate the resistance of soil multifunctionality to drying-wetting cycles. Applied Environmental Microbiology2019, e02251-18.
  30. Gongwen Luo(罗功文), Shen QR, Ling N. Organic amendments increase crop yields by improving microbe-mediated soil functioning of agroecosystems: A meta-analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2018, 105-115.
  31. Gongwen Luo(罗功文), Ling N., Shen Q.R. Long-term fertilization management drives the abundance and composition of N-cycling-related microbial groups via soil particle-size and microhabitat differentiation.Soil Biology and Biochemistry2018, 213-223.
  32. Gongwen Luo(罗功文), Ling N., Shen Q.R. Deciphering the associations between soil microbial biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality deiven by long-term fertilization managements. Functional Ecology2017,1103-1116.
  33. Gongwen Luo(罗功文), Ling N., Shen Q.R. Long-term fertilisation regimes affect the composition of the alkaline phosphomonoesterase encoding microbial community of a vertisol and its derivative soil fractions.Biology and Fertility of Soils 2017, 1-14.

上一篇: 袁红 下一篇: 罗劲松